Home News Rose Demystifies Reasons for Seeking Water Board Seat

Rose Demystifies Reasons for Seeking Water Board Seat


Second of two parts

Re “Water Board Directors More Prone to Trouble Than Others”


Addressing a recent spate of embarrassments to bedevil a number of regional water boards, Steve Rose said the primary purpose of a water board is to sell water.

“However,” said the former City Councilman and recent candidate for the West Basin Municipal Water District board of directors, “they also give out huge construction contracts and public relations contracts.”

Hence, a volatile mix, the blend of major dollars shifting hands, driven by an obscure panel of water board directors whose communal visibility is more modest than the little old lady who is your next door neighbor.

“A lot of money is being spent by these water boards without public scrutiny (or input),” Mr. Rose said.

The president and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce said that he sought appointment last month to a still-vacant seat on the West Basin board because “I wanted to do a job,” he said. “I liken the importance of water to our state, especially the Westside, where I live. Water resources are really important and the renewal of water is important.”
Mr. Rose will not compete for one of the open seats in November’s election, but Stephen Murray of Culver City is running.