Home News Results of Bond Survey to be Revealed This Evening

Results of Bond Survey to be Revealed This Evening


[img]1705|right|Mr. Reynolds||no_popup[/img]Following a month of speculative talk crisscrossing the community regarding the desirability of a bond measure campaign in the autumn, reality will be at the fore this evening at 6 o’clock in a special School Board meeting at the School District offices, Irving Place.

“Our election consultants will present the results of their opinion survey of residents about the bond measure,” said Mike Reynolds, Assistant Superintendent for Business, for the District.

“They will tell us:

“Does the community want to have a bond?

“Do they not want to have a bond?

“Do they want have a bond that is a certain amount of money?

“Do they want to have a bond for less money?

“Do they like what the District is doing?

“It is a question of how residents perceive the direction the District is going and whether we need to invest in upgrading our facilities,” the putative purpose of the bond campaign.

Most commonly, $75 million has been mentioned as the ultimate target of a campaign, probably in three separate jumps of $25 million apiece.