Home News Restaurant Association Helps Weissman Build Momentum

Restaurant Association Helps Weissman Build Momentum


Another endorsement today for Andy Weissman, probably the most endorsed candidate in Culver City history, who is favored to be the top votegetter in the race for three City Council seats next week, on Tuesday, April 8.

Most recently, the Los Angeles Board of the California Restaurant Assn. has voted unanimously to endorse Andy Weissman.

The chapter is part of an organization that represents more than 88,000 eating and drinking establishments throughout the state. Its reach extends to restaurateurs, industry service providers, educators and students and serves as the voice of not only its membership, but also the industry at large.

Tony Palermo, immediate past president of the Los Angeles Chapter, said the group voted to endorse Mr. Weissman , in part, because of his support of Culver City's blossoming restaurant community.

“It is clear from his work as the president of the Downtown Business Assn. that Andy understands the important role restaurants play in the redevelopment and success of any community,” Mr. Palermo said. “We are pleased to support Andy because we know his business sense and plans for the future of Culver City will benefit everyone.”

For information about Mr. Weissman: website, www.WeissmanforCouncil.com, email, info@WeissmanforCouncil.com, or call 310.839.5217.