Home News Parcel Tax Programs Will Continue to be Funded, Reynolds Says

Parcel Tax Programs Will Continue to be Funded, Reynolds Says


[img]1705|right|Mike Reynolds||no_popup[/img]When the School District’s four-year-old popular parcel tax, known as Measure EE, expires during the next school year, the projects it has funded will continue to be underwritten.

The response came this week from Mike Reynolds, assistant superintendent for business, in response to a question from a member of the School Board.

Mr. Reynolds said that the relatively new concept of the Local Control Funding Formula has provided additional “funding that perhaps will fund items presently covered by our Measure EE.

“We have no plans to stop funding the specific items that have been covered by the parcel tax, among them small class sizes and library programs.

“We believe that under the Local Control Funding Formula,” said Mr. Reynolds, “we would have sufficient funding to maintain those programs.”

For emphasis, the assistant super said that “we have no plans to discontinue the programs. We have no plans to increase class sizes, no plans to reduce library services.”

Final question:

In an atmosphere where residents are sure to remember the present Measure CC experience, trying to pass a $106 million bond issue on June 3 with a 55 percent pro vote, will the School District come right back next year and try to renew the parcel tax?

“I don’t know at this time,” Mr. Reynolds said.