Home News Painting a Rosy Picture at LaBallona on Saturday Morning

Painting a Rosy Picture at LaBallona on Saturday Morning


A major celebration on Saturday Morning at LaBallona Elementary School.

The Siqueiros Foundation of the Arts is announcing its first mural project – to be installed at La Ballona.

The La Ballona Education Partners, in collaboration with the Siqueiros Foundation of the Arts, has commissioned local muralists Ernesto Del La Rosa, Juan Carlos Munoz Hernandez, Fabian Debera, Relic, Anna Siqueiros to install the new mural on Saturday morning, starting at 9.

The mural was funded by a grant from Wells Fargo, which was matched by the La Ballona Education Partners.

The mural will be the first of many painted at La Ballona Elementary as part of a continuing after-school mural arts program beginning with this beckoning new school year.  

La Ballona Education Partners is a 501c non-profit corporation to support La Ballona.

It provides program, instructional and material support for all children attending the school. All direct donations are 100 percent tax deductible. Donations may be made through www.laballona.com.

Siqueiros Foundation of the Arts was created to unite and bring valor to American collective consciousness through compassionate awareness to the masses. Providing artists with recognition, respect, and reward, they seek to bring past into the present.

Mr. Maleman may be contacted at gmaleman@aol.com