Home News On the 50th Day, Malsin Returns to the Sparring Ring

On the 50th Day, Malsin Returns to the Sparring Ring


First of two parts

As he was saying.

Scott Malsin came home yesterday, back to the hometown political arena where he has been a dominant player throughout the half-dozen years he served on the City Council.

It felt good, he said this afternoon, to stand in front of the Chamber of Commerce board, seeking and winning one of the four endorsements they awarded for the April 10 City Council election.

On the 50th day after he voluntarily stepped down from his Council seat in mid-term, to guard against losing full coverage of the city’s lifetime healthcare benefits for his family, Mr. Malsin returned fully prepared to campaign, and eager for re-election.

What time off?

Mr. Malsin has attended each Council meeting since his Dec. 12 departure.

How does it feel to him? Strange?

“No,” he said. “But it is interesting watching as an observer. There certainly are an incredible number of important decisions the Council has been pondering.”

Has he been tempted to stand up from his civilian seat in Council Chambers and call out, “This is what I think”?

“No,” Mr. Malsin said again. “On practically all of the major issues the Council is dealing with, I have had ample opportunity to speak with my colleagues when I was on the Council, to express my thoughts.

“It is nice to see some of the ideas I brought up incorporated, such as the requirement that the tenants of Parcel B lease space in the city’s parking structures.”

• Mr. Malsin is hosting a fundraiser, called the Summit at the Lodge, on Saturday, Feb. 18, at 6:30 at the Elks Lodge, 11160 Washington Pl. Tickets may be purchased at scottmalsin.com

Mr. Malsin’s campaign website is scott@scottmalsin.com

(To be continued)