Home News Now the Election Is Semi-Official

Now the Election Is Semi-Official


I am pleased to provide official information regarding Tuesday’s City Council election. The voters were selecting four Council Members (with those candidates receiving the top three amounts of votes receiving a full term of four years and the fourth highest receiving the unexpired term of approximately two years) and deciding Measure X, a proposal to increase the city’s Transient Occupancy Tax or hotel tax from 12 percent to 14 percent.

The semi-official results of those ballots counted on Election Day yield the following results (in order of votes received):

Andy Weissman         2,630

Meghan Sahli-Wells   2,491

Mehaul O’Leary         2,439

Jim B. Clarke            2,348

Scott Malsin              2,013

Stephen Murray           841

Measure X           Yes: 3116           No: 626           Status: Pass

There are 743 vote-by-mail and provisional ballots that are being processed. Those that are verified will be counted on Tuesday at 4 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 9770 Culver Blvd. The counting is open to the public.

Once all ballots have been counted, the results will be added to the semi-official Results announced on Election Day. The certified results will be presented to the City Council on Monday, April 23, for their consideration.

The attached spreadsheets provide additional details on the vote-by-mail and provisional ballots and on voter turnout.


Press Information Packet – General Municipal Election – April 10 2012.PDF

Mr. Cole, the City Clerk, may be contacted at martin.cole@culvercity.org