Home News Now Residents Wait for the County to Decide

Now Residents Wait for the County to Decide


Third in a series

Re “Fracking – Putting It In Context”

[img]1762|right|Mr. Kuechle||no_popup[/img]Now that neighbors of the Baldwin Hills Oil Field once again have had their say on how they believe oil drilling and other regulations should be updated, what is to be the fate of fracking and related matters in the near term?

John Kuechle of the Community Advisory Panel, overseer of the oil field, described the course.

“The County is going to spend the next number of months reviewing the community input and then coming up with ideas that we will have an opportunity to comment on,” he said.

“Obviously, when they come back and say they are not going to completely and totally ban fracking, that will be one element of discussion.

“One of the subjects that came up at last week’s (Community Advisory Panel monthly) meeting was a desire by a number of people to do a new health analysis, in accordance with that of a world group whose name I don’t remember.”

Mr. Kuechle, who has a delightfully wry understanding of the world, said that “it sounded impressive to me. But I have no idea what it is.  If there really is some worldwide standard and the first one didn’t follow the standard, it makes some sense to look at it again.”

Which is where the thorny subject of fracking and family will repose until the next CAP meeting in a Month.