Home News Muslim Terrorists Intimidate Everybody Except thefrontpageonline.com

Muslim Terrorists Intimidate Everybody Except thefrontpageonline.com


Guts for Sale — at Discounted Prices

Five of the most influential newspapers in the country — The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Boston Globe — behave like frightened fools at the bare mention of Muslim terrorism. They twist themselves into pretzels to avoid even the appearance of offending a Muslim. Therefore, I should not be surprised that Pope Benedict joined the gutless newspapers on the We-Surrender-as-Fast-as-We-Can-pile. Editor Dean Baquet of the Los Angeles Times possesses less courage, less good sense in covering Muslim terrorism than my dead dog. He has plenty of company at America’s major newspapers. The previously punchless Pope is their newest I-Surrender recruit. Addressing a German university last Tuesday, Pope Benedict quoted a medieval emperor as saying that the Prophet Mohammad and all who followed him instructed Muslims to raise the sword against all who refuse to convert to Islam. This was uncomplicated enough for even the gutless newspaper wonders to comprehend. Corroborating evidence for the assertions exists wherever books are printed. This ain’t fiction, Freddie. The historic proof is overwhelming. Your mother taught you that the truth hurts. But the assertions cannot, may not, be denied. An exact analogy would be for a Dodger fan to deny that the Dodgers lost yesterday’s game to San Diego. The proof is overwhelming. The proof of a steady train of Muslim killers of non-Muslims throughout history is incontrovertible. Logic, however, never has been a barrier to stupidity.

Making Fun of the Truth

In the days directly following Pope Benedict’s display of previously undetected courage, first his spokesmen, then the Pope himself, backed off completely from his statements. Last I looked, the whole papal army was in full retreat. Pope Benedict was last heard saying that the words of the little-known emperor he quoted did not represent his sentiments. Of course not. He just sort threw in the obscure reference as popes historically have on Tuesdays when they are in Germany. In English, this is called unapologetic surrender.

Ready, Set, Rage

Once the Pope’s words filtered into the open air, the chief of phony Muslim Outrage conductors pressed a button. The wholly predictable explosion scrupulously scripted young-Muslim anger followed. Right on schedule. More punctual than Steve Cunningham’s Culver City bus fleet. We have done this deadly drill too many times in recent years. The Goody-Two Shoes crowd of very predictable (Christian and, to a lesser extent, Jewish) suspects once again lines up like good, little apologists. Toadies for Terror, all of them. In unison, the Toadies for Terror sink to their knees. In a loud voice, they cry out, “Thank you, terrorists, for killing us in imaginatively brutal ways formerly unknown to all cultures except cannibals. Thank you, thank you for taking time from your horribly busy schedules to slaughter us. We will defend you before any government or any leader daring to criticize you.”

Toadies Look Like Toast

Scrupulously, these Toadies for Terror have kept their word — marching in stout, sincere, but dreadfully embarrassing defense of “our Muslim brothers.” Or did you miss last Sunday’s demonstration at the King Fahad Mosque? I have no doubt every Toady for Terror in your community will steadfastly keep marching — until the Muslim terrorists come for him.