Home News Mielke Suggests a Maximum Monthly Salary for the Next Super

Mielke Suggests a Maximum Monthly Salary for the Next Super


The President of the Teachers Union this week voiced a tantalizing observation that has been swimming around in the minds of teachers’ unions throughout the country for decades:

“I don’t want to minimize the importance of a superintendent,” David Mielke said with one eye on his 350 members.

“But I am not sure, ultimately, how crucial the position is. I also think we really have to look at what we are paying a superintendent vs. what we are paying teachers, $200,000 vs. $40,000, five times the amount.”

Mr. Mielke was referring to the pay for a starting teacher.

“Is the superintendent’s position worth five times as much money?” he asked. “Three times? I don’t know what the number is. Actually I do because we have said many times that no one in the School District should make more than the highest paid teacher.

“I understand, though, that it is not the way the world works.

“I am trying to convince the School Board and the community there are different tasks that need to be done. But, ultimately, a school district is about teaching and learning. If I am making $8,000 a month as a veteran teacher, I don’t think anybody should make more than that.

“I don’t think an assistant principal, a principal, a District office person should make more than that, if what you are about is teaching and learning. For the practitioners, that should be the top figure.

“If someone has skills that are administrative in nature, fine. You can go be an assistant principal for $8,000 a month. Or a principal or a human resource person.

“I know I am dreaming on this. But when push comes to shove, when districts are being squeezed beyond belief, maybe we need to reorganize how we pay people,” Mr. Mielke concluded.

He said he was told the salary of the State Superintendent is in the $185,000. That is less than what Culver City paid its last superintendent but it surpasses the salary agreement of Interim Supt. Patty Jaffe. Her salary is $200,000 but excludes traditional healthcare benefits.