Home News Middle School Star Sofia Frohna on Way to Sacramento

Middle School Star Sofia Frohna on Way to Sacramento


Seventh-grader Sofia Frohna recently won the Culver City Middle School Geographic Bee, moving one step closer to $25,000 college scholarship.


Dylan Blaisdell, left, and Sofia Frohna.

Ms. Frohna advances to the state finals in Sacramento, the Middle School’s third state qualifier in the last 10 years.

Dylan Blaisdell was the runnerup.

The sponsoring National Geograohic Society will provide an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C., for state champions and teacher-escorts for the May 24-25 competition. First-place prize is the aforementioned scholarship.

The spelling bee began in November with school-level competition, co-sponsored by ING America, one of the world’s largest integrated financial services companies, and the National Geographic Society.

The school winners, including Ms. Frohna, took a written test. Up to 100 of the top scorers in each state are eligible to compete in their state GeoBee.