Home News Mehaul’s Advice: Don’t Crowd the Ballot

Mehaul’s Advice: Don’t Crowd the Ballot

Mehaul O'Leary

Vice Mayor Mehaul O’Leary wants term limits to be locked away in a drawer for at least the rest of his political life.

And when the next City Council election arrives, one year from this week, if term limits are to be on the ballot, he doesn’t want the outcome to affect Council candidates who will be competing.

“I am opposed,” said Mr. O’Leary, “only because I believe candidates will be forced to take sides on an issue that should not be relevant in the election.

“People just have opinions on term limits. It is not relevant. “Term limits won’t affect Culver City or Culver City’s ability to operate.”

Just warming up now, Mr. O’Leary said that “term limits is one of those red-herring items that (former Councilman) Steve Gourley (co-father of the law) will come out against.”

His voice rising – “there will be other people on the other side, and there will be a battle over nothing, and that could affect the outcome of the election of candidates.”

Mr. O’Leary, who turns 50 years old next month, has made sounds about relocating in Los Angeles after he is termed out on Culver Boulevard, and potentially running for City Hall in Los Angeles.