Home News Mehaul, on Three Legislators: It Is About Relationships

Mehaul, on Three Legislators: It Is About Relationships


First of two parts

[img]1915|right|Mehaul O'Leary||no_popup[/img]Vice Mayor Mehaul O’Leary said this afternoon he welcomed yesterday’s breezing victories by Culver City’s three state and federal legislators “because they know us better than any of the challengers.”

Elaborating, he cracked: “I guess based on the relationships we have built, the devil you know is better than the one you don’t know.

“That is an Irish term,” Mr. O’Leary hastily added. “I would hate to think anyone would believe I am calling anybody a devil. But sometimes just because you have opportunities to speak with your representatives on a personal level, you get to know them.”

Yesterday’s outcomes were typically onesided as U.S. Rep. Karen Bass cornered 84 percent of the vote, state Sen. Holly Mitchell won 69 percent and state Assemblyman Sebastian Ridley-Thomas commanded 78 percent.

“From my perspective,” said the vice mayor, “I supported both Holly and Sebastian.

“I would like to think I have a stronger relationship with them than my colleagues (on the City Council). Karen and I have a good relationship. We have worked together on some foster (children) issues.”

Mr. O’Leary was asked why he was drawn to Ms. Mitchell and Mr. Ridley-Thomas.

“Unfortunately,” he said, launching a scenic route tour, “they are stuck in a system that, in my opinion, is somewhat broken. They are still having to toe the (Democratic) party line. They are stuck if they want to move ahead and get on important committees. If they want to be on policymaking subcommittees, they have to do as they are told.

“In a system like that, if you try and break away and go to the other side when you are part of a party, you get punished,” the vice mayor said. “It’s almost like a fraternity.”

(To be continued)