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Meet Our Newest Feature


Do you see it?

That little button marked “add this” at the bottom of every article?

Thanks to reader Terri Champlin, who kindly emailed us with a great suggestion, we have made “add this” thefrontpageonline.com’s latest feature. And what does this friendly little button do?

It’s a bookmarking and sharing device that will make it fun and easy for you to share that piece of news or commentary.

With a few simple clicks, you can email links to TFPO articles to friends, share articles across social networking sites, such as Facebook and MySpace, and bookmark articles through Digg, del.ici.ous, and your browser’s favourites. We think this will enhance your reading experience at thefrontpageonline.com, and we hope you'll agree.

Also, don’t forget our handy RSS feed (the link is on the left-side menu) to get top headlines downloaded to your mobile device and webpage.

As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions. We believe thefrontpageonline.com truly is the voice of Culver City. Our work is not possible without you, our readers.