Home News Malsin Delivers a New Video – Fifth Paspalis Hit

Malsin Delivers a New Video – Fifth Paspalis Hit


Re “2 YouTubes on How to Make a Paspalis Sign Disappear”

Six days ago I posted video of an elderly gentleman stealing School Board candidate Kathy Paspalis’s yard signs from the corner of Overland Avenue and Jefferson Boulevard. The police have positively identified him
I had been informed that Kathy’s signs were also being removed repeatedly from prominent locations in the Carlson Park neighborhood. 

We set up surveillance cameras at a new location and captured this imagery. Signs have been stolen from this property on five separate occasions.

The other two signs have not been disturbed. They are for candidates Dr. Steve Levin and Sue Robins.
Watch how intentional this woman’s behavior is.
During my own campaign last year for City Council, a resident wrote a letter to the editor asking those responsible to stop stealing my signs from his yard. He woke up the next morning to find them shredded across his lawn.
As I stated in my commentary last week, this is the third consecutive election cycle where an incumbent opposed by a certain local political group is being subjected to tactics like the stealing of signs, deceptive attack pieces, and other behavior intended to harass and manipulate.
Three times in a row is no coincidence.
Those responsible for or benefiting from these tactics could make it stop with a phone call or a sincere public statement. As a veteran campaigner, I know that to be true.
It’s time to put a stop to the dirty tricks directed at candidates opposed by this group.
We deserve better.
If you have any information that can help identify the individual in this video please contact me.

This imagery was captured last evening in the Carlson Park neighborhood at 7:29 p.m.

Mr. Malsin, a former City Councilman, may be contacted at scott.malsin@gmail.com