Home News Looking for a Super Who Will Push Back?

Looking for a Super Who Will Push Back?


Second in a series

Re “Laying Out the Super Search

After John Cruz of the superintendent-search firm Education Leadership Services had laid out an early July goal for delivering a new Super to Culver City, he looked up when Todd Johnson, a prominent community advocate, entered the Tuesday night meeting.

“You are back for more?” the San Joaquin Valley executive called out cheerily. “You forgot to tell me some things?”

With that, Mr. Cruz asked his audience to suggest “important leadership or personal characteristics your new superintendent should have.”

George Laase spoke up first. “Strong leadership skills,” he said. “Someone who will push back against the School Board when the Board absolutely is going in the wrong direction.

“Should have a financial background, and possibly in touch with a charter.”

In passing, the data expert noted that the District has chosen a woman the last three times there was a Super vacancy..

Mr. Johnson talked about a Super who is “willing” to follow the direction of the Board to avoid an “unwillingness” to follow guidelines that have determined by the five elected officials who comprise the Board.

What professional skills and knowledge should they posses? Mr. Cruz asked.

“I don’t think the person needs to have been a superintendent,” Mr. Laase said. “

“Two or three Board members have said I should run because someone with a financial mind is needed. It is very important for the superintendent to have fiscal experience with budgets and contracts. For three of the members, that is not their forté.”

(To be continued)