Home News LaRose Soliciting Opinions at High School

LaRose Soliciting Opinions at High School

Dave LaRose, right, with Mike Reynolds. Photo: Culver City Crossroads

Second in a series.

Re: “LaRose’s Intricate Principal-Search Plan.”

In searching for a permanent principal for Culver City High School by April 28, the strongest administrative values of Supt. Dave LaRose are on neon display.

It is not as if he and the School Board quietly are huddling and hoping they guess right.

Mr. LaRose has invited every educator into the circle. Two weeks ago, he and Asst. Supt. Leslie Lockhart met with the “the full” staff at the high school.  “We will have input from different focus groups that Leslie will facilitate,” he said. Opinions are being solicited from “teacher teams, counseling teams, administrative teams, the Academy of Visual and Performing Arts, various groups to make sure that we have a good idea of the characteristics, qualities, values, beliefs and experiences that they believe are essential for the next leader.

“We also are soliciting their opinions,” Mr. LaRose said, “about what makes Culver City High School so special.

“We have tried to emphasize that it’s not just experience, it’s not just knowledge, and it’s not just beliefs and values.”

This is where the LaRose-stamped preciseness makes a loud statement.

“It is those that align, match and fit best with where we are and where we want to go,” Mr. LaRose said.

Is there a single primary value the new principal must possess or espouse?

“That will be kind of a collaborative process,” the superintendent said. “Everybody looks at it from a different lens.

“From an organizational perspective, there are beliefs and values absolutely, positively essential.

“They would have to be aligned with the fundamental beliefs of this organization.”

(To be continued)


  1. It may be collaborative, but in the end if I were a betting man, dimes to donuts, the new CCHS principal probably will have to be an advocate of the “Whole Child” methodology.

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