Home News Just Before Residents Sit Down, More Talk of Urban Forest

Just Before Residents Sit Down, More Talk of Urban Forest


Fourth in a series

Re “Exploring Vital Role Trees Play When It Rains”

[Editor’s Note: On Saturday morning, the first in a series of community workshops exploring the concept of an urban forest will start at 10 o’clock at City Hall.]

Don’t look for the recently touted notion of creating an urban forest in Culver City to dramatically transform the landscape, says Public Works Director Charles Herbertson says.

“We don’t have any kind of like that,” he said.

“We (already) have a very mature tree population.”

“Here is what we really are looking at: Most – but not all — of the plantable areas of the city that we have control of, we have trees planted there already.”

Upgrade is one way of describing what soon may be unfolding.

Mr. Herbertson said further that the city intends to “preserve and renew” the present state of the urban forest as it ages, or when trees need to be removed for various reasons.”

(To be continued)