Home News Independent Group Endorses Bloomfield Over Waxman

Independent Group Endorses Bloomfield Over Waxman


Re “Waxman Worried? He Agrees to Debate Bloomfield Tomorrow Evening

[img]1578|left|Mr. Bill Bloomfield||no_popup[/img]Proclaiming that California voters now have the tools to take on a government broken by partisanship, IndependentVoice.Org, a statewide association of independent voters, today announced its post-partisan candidate endorsement slate, headed by Independent Bill Bloomfield.

He is challenging one of Congress’s most immovable objects, U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Beverly Hills), who may be facing his most series threat since coming to Washington in 1975.

Tonight, they will go face to face.

At 6:30 in a compact setting , in the Community Room of Hesse Park, 29301 Hawthorne Blvd., Rancho Palos Verdes, Mr. Bloomfield, a 62-year-old retired South Bay businessman, will debate the 73-year-old Mr. Waxman.

They are competing in the newly drawn 33rd District, which stretches down the coast from the Ventura County line, through Malibu and into the Palos Verdes Peninsula, a sprawling territory that spans from Agoura Hills, Calabasas and Beverly Hills southward through Topanga, much of the Westside, including Santa Monica, the Marina into the debate site.

The endorsement by IndependentVoice.Org is more meaningful than it would have been just a few years ago because the number of likeminded voters is multiplying. “No Party Preference” voters claim 3.6 million adherents, 21 percent of all registered voters.

A longtime political reform advocate, many observers are giving Mr. Bloomfield the best chance of any independent candidate of breaking through the traditional wall of party affiliation in Washington. “I felt compelled to run for Congress,” he said, “because our country won’t be able to recover from a few more years of a hyper-partisan, broken Congress. We must confront the power and influence of the special interests.”

Mr. Bloomfield said that “it is time to force both parties to start solving problems and stop playing partisan politics that threaten our future.”

The Next Move

Tomorrow morning at the Doubletree Hotel, 1707 Fourth St., Santa Monica, in the Marquee 1 Room, the Republican grassroots movement No Labels and Mr. Bloomfield will hold a press conference about organizing reform-minded lawmakers.

See www.bloomfieldforcongress.com