Home News In Mr. Farris’s Office – Where Fashion Begins

In Mr. Farris’s Office – Where Fashion Begins


First in a series (not all on this subject)

[img]1221|left|||no_popup[/img] Entering his long, heavily windowed office at Culver City High School, the first notice you take of Principal Dylan Farris centers on his smart bow tie – as opposed to the photo accompanying this story.

In some social circles, mastering the digital terpischory required to achieve the bow in such an accessory is regarded as the cerebral equivalent of earning a Nobel Prize.

Almost any challenge in life is easier, some exhausted men huff and pant.

Where did the second-year principal learn?

“YouTube,” Mr. Farris said.

“I started wearing bow ties when I was in the classroom.

“It was just a fashionable thing.

“But it took me some time to develop the skill of learning to tie a bow tie.

“Quite honestly, I started wearing bow ties before the days of YouTube. So I had to be some Internet searching and try to follow along with the instructions.

“It wasn’t until I found the right YouTube video that I actually started tying them correctly, which, really, was just in the past two years.”

How long does it take you to tie?

Confidently, Mr. Farris responded, “I have it down to a few minutes.”

Is it easy to shop for bow ties? Where do you find them?

“It has become easier in recent seasons because they have become fashionable among the youth more than in the past. Students wear bow ties now, yes, they do, especially on Game Day during football season. We ask out students to dress professionally on Game Days, and you will see quite a few bow ties.”

In that case will you revert to standard neckties to remain fashionably distinctive?

Mr. Farris smiles without affirming a commitment.

“I am trying to stay one step ahead of the kids,” he says.

(To be continued)