Home News How Can I Know What Happened in Ferguson? She Asks

How Can I Know What Happened in Ferguson? She Asks


First in a series

Surprisingly enough, several prominent persons in the city administration confess that they have not followed every change of breathing pace in the spectacle that Ferguson has become.

“It is important to remember,” said one official, “this is a he-said/she-said situation. Who knows?

“The question of body cameras for police officers and cameras in cars has come up for us. Some argue cameras give a distorted perception because they show only one side. Or they say it depends on when a camera kicks in, and you don’t always get a true story.”

The woman went on to elaborate on the reasons she has been less than breathless about the killing of Michael Brown. “When you have a situation such as Ferguson where the facts are seriously in dispute, what can I do about that? How do I react?”

Question: Hasn’t the crisscrossing of testimony infused you with passion for one side? Don’t you have a view on whether the grand jury conclusion is accurate?

“The grand jury evaluates the testimony, the evidence, and reaches some conclusion,” the woman said. “Just like an ordinary civil or criminal case: The jury has the responsibility to evaluate the evidence, assess credibility and make judgments.

“I was not part of the jury. I didn’t see the evidence. I only know what gets reported, which, as you know, is not always factually correct.”

(To be continued)