Home News Hopeful Vice Mayor Takes a Look into the Future

Hopeful Vice Mayor Takes a Look into the Future


[img]1915|right|Mehaul O'Leary||no_popup[/img]The proprietor of Joxer Daly’s Irish Pub, the vice mayor of Culver City and a City Councilman – all wrapped up in a single person, Mehaul O’Leary – was among the many familiar faces at yesterday’s Future of Culver City realtors’ panel.

“I want to hear how my colleagues are representing my city and its future,” he said.

As his Irish eyes scanned the large main room business-suited guests of host PMI Properties’ quarters in the Hayden Tract, Mr. O’Leary said that “like everyone else, I am more than just curious. I want to know what kind of vision developers and others have.

“All of the people who are here want to know more about Culver City,” said Mr. O’Leary, owner of Joxer Daly’s for 15 years. “They want to find out what is happening and why it is happening.

“I would bet you there is a lot of curiosity about this town.”

The vice mayor said that the community should know “development in Culver City only was slowed during the recession, not stopped. We were all guns blazing, ready to go with all projects, and then the Redevelopment Agency went away.

“But when Expo, the high-speed rail came to town, that brought us back again.” 

“They want to know.”