Home News Hayes Staging Rally on Saturday to Protest Illegals’ Invasion of Black Lives...

Hayes Staging Rally on Saturday to Protest Illegals’ Invasion of Black Lives and Neighborhoods


Recently, we have been hearing the sentiments of L.A. County Sheriff Leroy Baca concerning an upgrade in black-Latino/Hispanic (brown) tensions, a theory with which L.A. Police Dept. Chief William F. Bratton disagrees.

As you may know, it is the belief of Sheriff Baca that gangs are not the cause of cross ethno-racial violence but rather a deeper set of circumstances that are completely beyond the control and influence of black or “brown” gangsters. Instead, their activities are simply an outgrowth of a greater societal challenge.

While the sentiments of the Sheriff somewhat shattered the politically correct speech barrier with his recent editorial in the Los Angeles Times, he stopped short of calling the matter what it is.

Though the Sheriff did not go there, he is clearly alluding to illegal immigration as the primary reason for black/”brown”/Hispanic/Latino tensions, which is manifesting itself in gang violence.

He says, “Race-based violence has even found its way into our school system, although no deaths have been reported. Some say it’s always been there, but it certainly is rearing its ugly head now more than ever. Most recently, fighting broke out in May between more than 600 black and brown students at Locke High School in South L.A.

“The racial divide is being driven by the ongoing population growth and demographic changes that have buffeted L.A. for decades. The perception that one group has more opportunities and advantages than another can lead to resentment, competition and, ultimately, spontaneous eruptions of violence.”

It Is About Illegals

Clearly the “ongoing population growth and demographic changes” that the Sheriff speaks of are a direct result of the sudden massive illegal influx of citizens from foreign nations, particularly Mexico, into the United States and “Sanctuary City” Los Angeles.

When any population outmasses another in a given geophysical region, the larger one is bound to push the smaller out, especially if the former is an intrusion into the area illegally through an invasion of the smaller one’s national borders.

LAPD Chief Bratton shows his scorn by saying that there is no such thing as ethno-racial cleansing in Los Angeles. He says, “Everybody knows that neighborhoods change.”

Why Neighborhoods Change

True. But not through illegal immigration. What is happening to America, especially black U.S. citizens is a crime of international proportions.

Not only blacks and other U.S. citizens are being gunned down and otherwise murdered by illegal immigrants and their falsified citizenship children, “anchor-babies,” but we are being ethno-racially cleansed out of gainful employment and ownership opportunities; housing; healthcare; education; welfare benefits for the poor and homeless; commerce; law enforcement; government, politics; culture; religion; and even our civil rights legacies and heritages, most notably our National Birth and identity Rights of the Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1.

We are marching to arouse charges against certain government officials for their roles in treason to the United States Constitution and for exposing American blacks and other U.S. citizens to terrorist attacks on all levels of society.

The Browning of America

L.A. Mayor Antonio Villariagosa and his associates of the LaRaza, MEECHA, “Browning of America” movement, are some of the primary sources to the challenges that we face between blacks and Hispanics/Latinos.

The “Browning of America” can only be achieved by Hispanics/Latinos replacing black U.S. citizens with themselves. Unfortunately, for that terrorist movement, blacks are in its way.

But we are not going to be moved.

Illegal immigration is ethno-racial cleansing of blacks from America’s promise to us.

Do you care? I hope so.

Thank you for your time and consideration

See you at the march and rally

Ted Hayes

Event Co-coodinator

Shalom in Jerusalem

www.TedHayes.us and Associates



Ethno-Racial Cleansing in America

Over 30,000
American Black Citizens Traveled to Jena, Louisiana, To Protest Nooses Hanging in a Tree and Judicial Mistreatment of Black Teenage Boys

Let Them NOW Come United to Los Angeles

Blacks Are Murdered and Ethno-Racially

Cleansed By Illegal

Immigrants And "Anchor-Baby" Children

Remember Sheryl Green, Jamiel Shaw
and Highland Park, Los Angeles CA Murders

Saturday, June 21,2008

(Downtown L.A.)

(Gathering at 10 a.m., corner of Olympic & Broadway. March begins at 12 Noon to City Hall for 1 o’clock rally)

Come To Complete The Unfinished Business of The Civil Rights Acts

L.A.: The Capital of US Sanctuary Cities

City Officials Erroneously Equate Ethno-Racial Cleansing of Blacks and

Civil Rights Struggles
As One and
The Same

Ethno-Racially Cleansing Robs Black Citizens of Their Civil Rights Legacies
Elected Representation In Government. Technically Making Blacks A Dead People


If Blacks Die, America Dies –
We Are One People. Conjoined Twins

"Let All Americans Come To LA"

Sponsored By: www.Tedhayes.US and Associates

Endorsed By: Choose Black America;West Side Illegal Immigration Reform; (ALIPAC); Save Our State; CCIR; others to be announced…

For details : 323.338.2204 or 310.237.5590.

Mr. Hayes is a candidate for Congress in the November election, challenging U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles)