Home News Hawthorne Mayor Hit for $47,000 Debt

Hawthorne Mayor Hit for $47,000 Debt

Mr. Brown

Re: “A Young Man Who Is on His Way”

Dateline Hawthorne — Days after Mayor Chris Brown jubilantly announced his campaign for re-election, the Daily Breeze reported this morning that Mr. Brown’s bid has hit a speed bump.

Spanning three different debts, he owes $47,000, according to the Breeze, which cited court documents.

They are:

  • He and his family were evicted from a home last year over non-payment of $10,983 in back rent and damages.
  • His current landlord at a luxury condominium, ThreeSixty at South Bay, at El Segundo and Aviation boulevards, is seeking $17,500 in back rent and other damages. Mr. Brown, said the Breeze, has rejected the landlord’s attempts to contract him and has not paid rent since November.
  • California Republic Bank is trying to recover an unpaid loan of $19,635.06.

The Breeze said the Browns were ordered out of their $3,500 a month condo six weeks. Not only have they not complied, the Browns have filed a countersuit. Their landlord said it could be months before the police could legally eject the family from their home.

The Breeze reported that Mr. Brown has ignored a September order from Los Angeles Superior Court Judge H. Jay Ford to repay his earlier landlord.

Just before Mr. Brown was to deliver his State of the City address on March 13, he was served papers by Bill Hassan, the previous landlord demanding payment. Mr. Brown said they were the first documents he had seen in the case.