Home News Gun Buybacks II: ‘Even a Small Dent’ Is Worthwhile

Gun Buybacks II: ‘Even a Small Dent’ Is Worthwhile


Second in a series

Re “Clarke Identifies the Positive Values of Gun Buybacks”

Gun buybacks have become the latest sizzling marketing item in America’s largest metropolises, and City Councilman Jim Clarke, an enthusiastic advocate, was asked if the concept infringes on Second Amendment rights?

“No, because it is a voluntary program,” he said “Turning in your weapons is voluntary, not a requirement. I think it serves a good purpose. You are not making a requirement.

“I know that my father, who was a former customs inspector, kept a handgun in the house. At one point in his career, he was required to carry a weapon.

“Before he died, my sister and I found the gun. Neither one of us wanted it. So we turned it into the police. We didn’t want him having it at that stage in his life, in his late 80s.”

For those who agree with Mr. Clarke’s perspective, the most discouraging recent statistic to emerge this side of the fiscal cliff is that “there probably are more guns available now than before.” The reason: A nationwide run on purchasing weapons since the Newtown massacre by those fearing confiscation of privately owned guns.

“People are in a panic,” the Councilman said. “It is like the nature of supply-and-demand. If you thought they were going to start rationing food, you would hoard food.

“If there is a feeling there is going to be some kind of (gun) restriction, even though you don’t need the item, you are going to go out and get it because it may not be available to you later.

Drawing a Comparison

“I would like to go back to what we were talking about and make a corollary,” Mr. Clarke said. “We did programs like bicycle safety, programs for kids, teaching them how to ride a bike safely, how to wear a helmet.

“When we do that, we will draw 50 to 60 kids. But there are thousands of bicycle riders in Culver City who never attend these types of programs.

“Is it worthwhile to do a safety program like this even though a relatively small number participates?

“Sure it is because you are making some dent into the issue.

“I see gun buybacks the same way.”