Home News Great News for Feuer – Encouragement for Price, Greuel

Great News for Feuer – Encouragement for Price, Greuel


One week to the hour after he was injured seriously enough in a car accident to place him in intensive care for days, a caller caught up with city attorney candidate Mike Feuer this afternoon, and the news was stunning:

“I am actually going right now to the County Federation of Labor for their endorsement.”

Mr. Feuer pledged last week he was not going to lie in bed healing, that he could not afford to remain stationary.

The 54-year-old state Assemblyman, released from the hospital on Saturday, said his swift comeback was not a miracle.

“I am on the right track,” he said, modestly, while nursing severe injuries that he vowed would not keep him off the campaign trail against incumbent Carmen Trutanich one excess moment.

He still is taking pain medicine, “but I am getting better.”

The injuries Mr. Feuer sustained last Monday afternoon when exiting a freeway near USC – when a vehicle allegedly ran a red light and rammed into his car On the driver’s side – were not a mirage. Responders needed the “jaws of life” to remove the candidate from his car.

Internally, the picture is difficult.

Despite six broken ribs, a lacerated spleen “and all kinds of other stuff,” he could not stay away from campaigning.

Because of his impaired condition, he has resumed a limited, not full, campaign schedule.

“I had to get back here,” he said. “I am doing as much as I can every day.”

Upon his release two days ago, Mr. Feuer issued the following statement:

“I’d like to thank the first responders at the crash scene—firefighters, paramedics and police officers—who successfully removed me from my car and brought me safely to the hospital. I want to thank the extraordinary team at the California Hospital Medical Center for their incredible care. In particular I want to thank Drs. Gudata Hinika and Charles Guidry Jr., and the many remarkable nurses, physical therapists and hospital staff who have made it possible for me to get back on my feet so quickly.

“My heartfelt thanks to the hundreds of friends and supporters who called and wrote to express their best wishes. Your caring and concern have hastened my recovery. Thank you to my parents, my children and my wife Gail who has been at my side all week.

“I am truly blessed and excited to be going home. While it will take a little time to get back to 100 percent, I am determined to return to work. I’ve had some time to reflect these last few days. My resolve to win the race for city attorney is now even stronger.

“I am more determined than ever to fight to improve the safety of our streets and the health of our families and communities. There are 88 days until the election. I’m not wasting a single one of them. The office needs to be changed now for the sake of Los Angeles’ future. I look forward to returning to the campaign trail on Monday.”

As for Price and Greuel

Two other contenders in the March 5 Los Angeles primary election, City Council candidate state Sen. Curren D. Price Jr. (D-Culver City) and mayoralty candidate Wendy Greuel.

The Price camp reported winning the endorsement of United Food and Commerce Workers, Local 770, in the bitterly competitive Ninth Council District, where Mr. Price faces more than a dozen rivals.

The endorsement from UFCW Local 770 is the first from a major labor union in the race.

UFCW Local 770 represents 30,000 County workers in the retail food, meat, drug stores, packinghouses, food processing plants, pharmacies, laboratories, as barbers and beauticians.

“Curren Price has stood shoulder to shoulder with the working men and women of UFCW Local 770 for over two decades,” said Rick Icaza, president of UFCW Local 770. “Working families trust Curren Price. He has fought for us, from taking a stand against Wal-Mart to spearheading groundbreaking legislation to expand health care coverage. Curren is a champion for working families and we proudly stand with him.”

Shortly after launching his campaign, Mr. Price won endorsements from U.S. Rep. Karen Bass (D-Culver City), County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, City Council President Herb Wesson Jr., and state Sen. Kevin de Leon (D-Los Angeles) to go along with a number of community leaders.

In the race to succeed Mayor Villaraigosa, Ms. Greuel gained the endorsement of Assembly Speaker John Perez, who represents downtown Los Angeles in Sacramento.

“I have known Wendy for more than a decade,” Mr. Perez said. “She understands how to get things done.

“Throughout her career, she has fought to create jobs, return million of dollars to small businesses, and improve Los Angeles' streets and public transit system. Wendy understands the needs of working people and of business owners alike. She can bring them together to rebuild our economy. Wendy will be a fighter for Angelenos across the city.”