Home News Getting Acquainted With a New Contender for the School Board

Getting Acquainted With a New Contender for the School Board


At Scott Zeidman’s home on Sunday afternoon, beneath the garage-adjacent canopy at the top of the rising driveway, which shielded milling party-goers from a boiling sun, only one of the participants was an unexpected guest.

Gary Abrams, a longtime resident who knows Culver City classrooms perhaps better than any other candidate, may also carry the lowest profile of the seven challengers for the School Board.

So why not come out on a leisurely weekend day to a neighborhood where you know there will be a fairly large gathering?

In electioneering jargon, that is called shorthand.

Quiet to the point of being reserved, Mr. Abrams was a soft-spoken, almost easy to overlook, presence.

While he is a rival of Alan Elmont — in whose honor Mr. Zeidman was hosting the meet-’n-greet — there is ample elbow room in the Nov. 3 election.

Three seats on the Board will be open.

No incumbents are running, and seven persons with widely varying qualifications are competing.

Getting Acquainted

When you step out of the heat into the coolness of the Zeidman living room, you sit down beside Mr. Abrams on a black leather couch, and this is what you learn:

Mr. Abrams and his wife, Belinda Corpuz, both registered nurses and the parents of two school-age boys, came to Culver City almost two decades ago to operate a board-and-care facility, and therein lies a telling story.

Ever since the couple’s older son, 15 years old, was in pre-K, Mr. Abrams has been volunteering in the classroom. That covers almost a dozen years.

In recognition of his uncommon dedication, Mr. Abrams currently is reigning as Lin Howe School’s Volunteer of the Year.

When a Lin Howe teacher asked Mr. Abrams if he would be interested in running for the School Board, especially in view of his wide, first-hand background, his impulsive response was, “Not really.”

She did not give up. “You should consider it,” the teacher urged. “I will,” the reluctant candidate replied.

“The teacher kept bugging me about this,” Mr. Abrams said, with the trace of a smile. “Then other teachers came around. They said they thought I should run.”

Not very promisingly, he told them: “I’ll see.”

After gaining a taste of School Board meetings, Mr. Abrams drove out to the Registrar of Voters on the final day and plunged into the candidate pool.

Perhaps the concept that most closely characterizes his embryonic campaign is caution.

He is happy to have 70 days until Election Day because he has been playing catch-up by more intimately familiarizing himself with the issues and their associated mechanisms.

At a meeting last week to acquaint the seven candidates with the parcel tax campaign, only Mr. Abrams demurred when the contenders were polled for their support. He said he wanted to further study the subject.

The Abrams campaign will be conducted the old-fashioned way, shoe leather and door-to-door.

Mr. Abrams feels he already has a substantial base of support derived from former students and their families.

Here is a breezy, introductory, 475-word letter Mr. Abrams is sending to the community.

Time to Say Hello

Dear parents, students and residents of Culver City Unified School District,

I have lived in Culver City since 1991. Really had no need to check out Culver City School system. My wife, Belinda, is Catholic and our kids, of course, would go to a Catholic school.

Belinda and I are Registered Nurses. She works at the VA Medical Center at Los Angeles, where we met. I was the Head of Pulmonary. I also graduated from UCLA‘s attorney assistant program.

My oldest (39) and only girl, has an MBA and is a published author, working on her fifth novel. Married and has a daughter, Nia, 6 years old. Google her: Dwan Abrams.

Have thrown my hat into selection process for School Board member. Not requesting or accepting any monetary donations.

Been a volunteer since my oldest son Garet (15) has been attending school. Was selected as president of the PTO when Garet was going to second grade.

Felt that we needed to go into a different direction with his education. After intensive investigation, concluded the best course was right around the corner from our home, C.C.U.S.D.

Garet started second grade at Linwood Howe Elementary. Headed to 10th grade at Culver High, an honor student, plays water polo and a member of the swim team. My youngest, Grant, started in kindergarten and is now headed for 2nd grade.

Chairman and worker of the Book Fair at Linwood E. Howe Elementary School for several years. Many people remind me of the times, carrying my then-six-month-old son Grant in a chest pouch and later in a stroller, while I was manning the Book Fair. My gosh. He’s almost seven now.

Coached Y soccer and basketball. An official referee for AYSO.

Field trip monitor, lice check, hearing and vision personnel. Kindergarten playground monitor, garden and grounds keeper. Run off copies, cut and assemble learning material. Peacemaker, parent and kid counselor. Assist in classroom, collect and check in homework, after school playground monitor. Too many to remember. Whatever was needed. Asked by many “do you work here?”

Recipient of 2008-09 Culver City Education Foundation’s (CCEF) /See’s Candies Volunteer of the Year for excellence and dedication to education.

Was reluctant to join the fray, mainly because I probably would have to wear clothes. My usual attire is sweat pants, a white tee shirt, N.Y. baseball cap (team changes occasionally) and sandals. Life was simple back then. Have no other aspiration than to provide our kids with the most beneficial educational opportunity available. I am not interested in “politics.” “Just for kids.”

In the school and classroom on a daily basis. Have first-hand experience. Do not profess to have all the answers, but will have many advisors. My agenda is that I will provide decisions based on all the facts researched and base my decision on what is fair and best for the kids.

Mr. Abrams may be contacted at gabrams@ca.rr.com

Cell phone:310.403.8081