Home News Fiesta La Ballona Continues Its Mission of Going Green

Fiesta La Ballona Continues Its Mission of Going Green


The Green Committee of Fiesta La Ballona — which returns to Vets Park on the last Friday-Saturday-Sunday of the month — will again have a booth this year, with live presentations and information about sustainable living.

Fiesta La Ballona opens Friday, Aug. 26, and runs through Sunday afternoon. www.fiestalaballona.org

Fiesta also will provide a Bike Valet Service for anyone biking to the park. Fiesta sponsor Palms Cycle Shop, in association with the Culver City Bicycle Coalition, will offer the Bike Valet Service on Saturday, Aug. 27, and Sunday, Aug. 28.

Meanwhile on Saturday afternoon, the Los Angeles Kings’ Ice Rider, a fully converted ice cream truck featuring three video monitors molded to the outside, a P.A. system and an Xbox molded onto a hockey stick for interactive play, will be on the4 grounds from 1 to 4.

More than eight full-range speakers are spread inside and out of this ice beast to capture every shot on 65-inch screens.

The Kings Ice Crew will be there, signing autographs, taking pictures and giving away Kings’ gifts. They will also hold a drawing for signed Kings merchandise.

As for the Bike Valet, it will be on the grass just south of the Plunge (Overland Avenue at Barman Avenue). A volunteer will park bikes. Claim tickets must be submitted to retrieve bicycles. This is a free service to encourage Fiesta visitors to leave their cars at home.

The Bike Valet will be staffed by volunteers all day to insure that bikes are secure. The Bike Valet will be open from 10:30 a.m. until 6 p.m.

Fiesta has asked that all food vendors use paper and/or other recyclable products in lieu of non-recyclable Styrofoam for serving their goodies to Fiesta attendees.

