Home News Exploring Vital Role Trees Play When It Rains

Exploring Vital Role Trees Play When It Rains


Third in a series

Re “Lessons in Nature as Dreams of an Urban Forest Draw Nearer”

With the first community meeting on converting Culver City into a kind of urban forest scheduled for 10 o’clock Saturday morning at City Hall, the subject was the relationship between trees and stormwater.

“There is more of an emphasis on stormwater quality nowadays,” said Charles Herbertson, the Public Works director.

“Trees actually do a lot in that regard that people may not realize. Trees tend to store water. They slow it down so that not as much water runs off. It hits the leaves and then it will drip down. It has more chance of absorbing into the soil because of that.

“Therefore much more water is infiltrated into the ground as opposed to just running off and going down to the ocean right away.”

Confirming an earlier statement, Mr. Herbertson said that “there are benefits to virtually every tree out there.”

How many trees will be planted?

“We are not doing something famous like L.A.’s tree initiative a few years ago,” Mr. Herbertson said. “I am not even sure that ever came to fruition.

“We don’t have a number plan.”

(To be continued)