Home News EPA Reaches $6.6 Million Settlement in San Gabriel Valley Groundwater Cleanup

EPA Reaches $6.6 Million Settlement in San Gabriel Valley Groundwater Cleanup


The U.S Environmental Protection Agency has entered into three settlements totaling $6,605,080 to help pay for groundwater cleanup at the South El Monte portion of the San Gabriel Valley Area 1 Superfund Site. Since the EPA began cleaning up this site in 2008, 4,600 pounds of contaminants have been removed from the groundwater.

The EPA has recovered $25 million for the South El Monte cleanup, with the latest $6.6 million to pay for extraction and treatment of groundwater polluted with industrial solvents such as TCE (trichloroethylene) and PCE (perchloroethylene), a chemical once common in dry cleaning operations.

“The EPA remains committed to pursuing parties responsible for environmental damage in the San Gabriel Valley,” said Regional Administrator Jared Blumenfeld. “More than ten billion gallons of water have been treated to provide safe drinking water for the local communities.”

The three settlement claims were brought by the U.S. Justice Dept. on behalf of EPA and the state Toxic Substances Control Dept. against 11 current or former landowners and operators of business facilities that contributed to the contamination in South El Monte.

The first consent decrees was entered on April 13, the second and third this morning. All three resolve liabilities for contamination.

The 11 responsible parties are Quaker Chemical Corporation; Art Weiss, Inc.; Astro Seal, Inc.; Craneveyor Corp.; EBA, Inc. D/b/a Earl Butler & Associates; M&T, LLC; Mary Brkich; New Air, Inc.; Pacific Coast Drum Co.; Seachrome Corporation; and Linderman Living Trust A.

The San Gabriel Valley Area 1 Superfund site was placed on the National Priorities List in 1984, and overlays eight square miles of solvent-tainted groundwater in the areas of South El Monte, El Monte and Rosemead. More than one million persons live in the easterly valley.

The EPA signed an interim Record of Decision with the goal of containing contaminated groundwater at the site in 2000 and issued an Explanation of Significant Differences to address new contaminants in 2005. The San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority implements the cleanup under a Cooperative Agreement with the EPA. The agreement funds groundwater extraction and treatment systems operated by the City of Monterey Park, San Gabriel Valley Water Company, and Golden State Water Company.

For more information on the San Gabriel Valley Superfund Area 1 Site, see: http://www.epa.gov/region9/southelmonte

Copies of the consent decrees will be available at: http://www.justice.gov/enrd/Consent_Decrees.html