Home News Don’t Let King Impress You Too Much, Says a Crusty Observer

Don’t Let King Impress You Too Much, Says a Crusty Observer


[img]1845|right|Jeff Cooper||no_popup[/img]“One reason I am confident this new guy, Christopher King, will not beat out either incumbent” in next month’s City Council election, said a crusty City Hall observer this morning, “is that he does not have a natural issue to run on.

“He needs one.

“Unlike the last election cycle when there was plenty of noise and controversy, this is a sleepy race. No issues. An underdog must have an issue to make the incumbents seem vulnerable.”

People seem satisfied with the way the city is being run.

[img]1792|right|Jim Clarke||no_popup[/img]The crusty observer contends that while Mr. King, at 31 years old, possesses a bucket load of assets required of all young successful politicians – articulate, energetic, unusually well-informed, technologically – but not nearly as well known as the incumbents,” Mayor Jeff Cooper and City Councilman Jim Clarke.

“There are no issues, nothing that has energized anybody.

“Cooper and Clarke are beneficiaries of an improving economy, and a cohesive City Council. The sense around here is that the city is well run and doing okay. Maybe not great, but satisfactorily.

“So Chris,” said the crusty observer, “has nothing to run on except that he is a fresh face. He has plenty of energy but it is not translating into voter enthusiasm.”