Home News Disaster Drill Is Tomorrow

Disaster Drill Is Tomorrow


Arriving almost two months earlier than usual, Culver City will get into step with other California communities by conducting its annual Disaster Drill on Thursday evening at 7 o’clock.

Disasters can strike quickly and without warning. They can force you to evacuate your neighborhood or confine you to your home or work place. Tragedies such as Sept. 11 and the hurricanes in the Gulf Coast states are powerful reminders that not only our fire and police departments need to be prepared, everyone does.

While Culver City has plans in place for a disaster, it is important that each individual who lives or works in the city does as well. Just as fire and police personnel practice their disaster plan, each individual must also.

Tomorrow is California Shakeout Drill Day. Its purpose: To give all persons an opportunity to prepare and practice their disaster plan. Moreover, it provides the community with an opportunity to practice together. The effects of a major disaster can be minimized if all cooperate.

There are two components to the drill:

• To establish and practice your Disaster Plan that family members prepare, prepare allowing all to discuss in advance what each will do should a disaster strike. Information on creating a Disaster Plan may be downloaded from the city’s website (culvercity.org) or picked up from the Fire Prevention Bureau at City Hall.

• The second component is the OK Sign Program. Following a major disaster, emergency personnel will conduct search and rescue efforts. Given that Culver City’s resources probably will be overwhelmed initially, it is imperative that all persons assist by verifying that everyone in your home is okay by placing OK Sign in a location most visible from the public right-of-way, by the front door, window, garage door.

This will let city officials know everyone is okay so they can proceed directly to those who need immediate attention. An OK Sign may be downloaded from the city’s website or one may be picked up from the Fire Prevention Bureau at City Hall.

What to Do

Residents are urged to keep their OK Signs in an easily accessible place because a disaster may strike without warning..

Participation in this drill is simple.

On Thursday evening at 7, participants should activate their Disaster Plan, practicing what they will do in the event of a disaster and placing their OK Sign so it is visible from the street.

Members of the Police Dept., Fire Dept., and CERT, the Community Emergency Response Team will be patrolling each street to count the OK Signs.

Counting the OK Signs will allow City Hall to gauge how many residents participated and where improvements are needed.

City leaders are encouraging encourage families with young children to participate because the Disaster Drill represents an opportunity to teach youngsters where to go, what to expect and how to behave in case of an emergency.

They can be taught that being prepared and practicing the family’s Disaster Plan can minimize much of the fear often experienced in a crisis.

For more information, the Fire Dept.’s number is 310.253.5900.