Home News Dem Club Fills Last Two Offices a Month Later

Dem Club Fills Last Two Offices a Month Later


[img]2735|right|Sylvia Moore||no_popup[/img]At last Wednesday’s meeting of the Culver City Democratic Club, a re-vote for two offices was held because at the January meeting, there were too many invalid ballots to ensure a fair result.

In the race for first vice president, Khin Khin Gyi was nominated by the Nominating Committee, and Stephen Murray was the candidate nominated from the floor. Both candidates appeared on the written ballot. Nominating Chair Darryl Cherness conducted the election. Both Mr. Murray and Ms. Gyi made two-minute speeches.

By club bylaws, a quorum of at least 25 paid members needed to be present. Twenty-six ballots were cast, and Ms. Gyi received 20 votes to win.

For the Correspondence Secretary election, the Nominations Committee previously nominated the current Secretary, Mr. Murray.

Mr. Cherness asked three times for nominations from the floor. There were none. The membership voted, by acclamation, to re-elect Mr. Murray as Correspondence Secretary.

New Executive Board:

President — Sylvia Moore
First Vice President — Khin Khin Gyi
Second Vice President — Amy Cherness
Treasurer — Eric Fine
Membership — Diane Rosenberg
Correspondence Secretary — Stephen Murray
Recording Secretary — Pat Levinson

Ms. Moore may be contacted at sylden2@earthlink.net