Home News Culver City Leadership Favor Backing Ridley-Thomas

Culver City Leadership Favor Backing Ridley-Thomas


[img]1694|right|Steve Rose||no_popup[/img]As Sebastian Ridley-Thomas, easy winner of last night’s 54th District state Assembly seat, pondered his next campaign in the June primary, the chief executive of the Culver City Chamber of Commerce pondered his backing of Mr. Ridley-Thomas.

The prominent presence of Chamber CEO/president Steve Rose and immediate past chair Goran Eriksson at the Post & Beam victory party stamped a strong Culver City image on Mr. Ridley-Thomas’s expansive circle of celebrating supporters.

Addressing a calendar of Mr. Ridley-Thomas’s attractive qualities, Mr. Rose said:

“Here is a young man (26) who is thinking out of the box, who mentioned issues I haven’t heard lately from politicians – like jobs. Since the meltdown under President Bush and for five years under President Obama, there has been no mention of jobs.

“There has been no job creation, real job creation.”

Mr. Rose cited still a different, immutable reason for backing Mr. Ridley-Thomas:

“Sebastian and his generation – I mean 20s and 30s – have a different view of what the world is.”

What distinguishes it?

“Their attention to the need for jobs,” Mr. Rose said. “A lot of his peers are tired of staying home with mom and dad.”

From his position on the patio, Mr. Rose scanned the teeming crowd bulging out all of Post & Beam’s doors, and said, “I am encouraged that jobs are an important issue for the creative community throughout the 54th.

“Seems to me the only jobs being created are in fast food.  Then there is the push everywhere to raise the minimum wage. The best way to minimize minimum wage is to create creative jobs.”