Home News County Too Cozy with Oil Industry?

County Too Cozy with Oil Industry?


Re “AB 972 Tilts Too Much Toward the Oil Industry, Gless Charges

“I am getting a little tired of the County trying to make everything sound fine and dandy” about drilling in the Inglewood Oil Field, “and it really isn’t,” says activist Gary Gless, a harsh critic of the recently distributed 2011 Inglewood Oil Field Health Survey.

“The County has not done their due diligence job in giving out (reliable health-related) information to the community. It disappoints me, but I am not surprised by anything anymore.”

Mr. Gless of the Citizens Coalition for a Safe Community, said the County’s close relationship with the oil industry is the main reason. “The people in the oil industry are smart, and they have a very strong hold on a lot of politicians and decision-makers,” Mr. Gless said. “We need to make that change right now to protect the people more than protecting profit.

“”I am doing this because it is the right thing to do. It may seem as if I am going against long odds. Years ago, fracking wasn’t even there. Now it has become a nationwide issue.

“People from all over are hearing about it. The more people who do learn about the dangers of it. They are wasting the valuable resources of water and air for the commodity of fracking, and that is ridiculous.”

Mr. Gless may be contacted at ggless@aol.com