Home News Corlin Seeks to Destitch League of Cities

Corlin Seeks to Destitch League of Cities


Fourth in a series. 

Re: “Corlin Aims, Fires at Useless (?) League”

Despite his previous hedge, former City Councilman renewed his pounding criticism of the League of California Cities as a suitable pastime for Council members.

In the last 20 years, certain elected officials have channeled their off-hours energies into the little-known government body, among them Vice Mayor Mehaul O’Leary, former Councilperson Carol Gross and current Councilman Jim Clarke.

Asserting that 20th century Councilmembers Sandi Levin and Steve Gourley were models for his eight years on the dais, Mr. Corlin said, in the context of a term limits discussion:

“The argument can be made, ‘Well, if I had five or six terms on the City Council, maybe after the 20th year I could be president up there and we could do something for Culver City.’

“Name one thing you can do,” challenged Mr. Corlin.

“The League of California Cities is no different than the City Council: You need other people to vote for something. You can’t ‘do’ something.

“And being the president of the League?” asked Mr. Corlin, his chin dropping in a move suggesting mock puzzlement.

“I guess the president can run League meetings. I don’t know what that does for Culver City.”

(To be continued)