Home News Community Meeting Tonight on Fracking

Community Meeting Tonight on Fracking


City Councilman Andy Weissman is expected to be the only elected official in sight this evening at 7 at Kenny Hahn State Park’s Community Building when an update on the controversial drilling method of fracking in the Baldwin Hills oil fields will the centerpiece of a public forum convened by the Community Health Councils.

Eight months after an agreement to increase health and safety protection in the Baldwin Hills oil fields, the largest contiguous urban oil field in the country, Plains Exploration & Production, PXP, the oil company in charge of the field, has begun fracking, a technique that seeks to access hard-to-reach deposits of oil and natural gas by enhanced drilling that injects a mixture of water, sand, and toxic chemicals into the ground.

In addition to Mr. Weissman, Culver City will be represented by Public Works Director Charles Herbertson and Sherry Jordan as well as Rebecca Bernal from the office of state Sen. Curren Price (D-Culver City).

The speaker roster will include State Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) Supervisor Tim Kustic and Chief Deputy Director Jason Marshall.

They will appear with PXP officials and County and state employees in speaking with community members and families who live in affected communities, including members of the Greater Baldwin Hills Alliance.

Eight months after an agreement to increase health and safety protection in the Baldwin Hills oil fields, the largest contiguous urban oil field in the country, Plains Exploration & Production, PXP, the oil company in charge of the field, has begun fracking, a technique that seeks to access hard-to-reach deposits of oil and natural gas by enhanced drilling that injects a mixture of water, sand, and toxic chemicals into the ground.

Nationwide, fracking has prompted debate about the impacts to ground and surface waters, as well as its potential link to earthquakes. 

Community members and families who live, work, and play near the oil fields will have an opportunity to voice their concerns and questions about fracking in the Baldwin Hills, learn about and help shape the fracking study currently taking place at the oil field, and ask for more transparent communication related to all fracking activities going forward.

Community Health Councils is a non-profit, community-based health promotion, advocacy and policy organization. Established in 1992, CHC's mission is to improve health and increase access to quality healthcare for uninsured, economically-disadvantaged, and underserved populations.

Ms. Taylor may be contacted at jtaylor@chc-inc.org