Home News Clouds of Mystery Mask Short-, Long-Term Futures of Ice Arena

Clouds of Mystery Mask Short-, Long-Term Futures of Ice Arena


Re “Miracle Shift in Ice Arena’s Future? Maybe.”

On this first morning after last night’s presumed death of the Culver City Ice Arena when the ambitious Northern California entrepreneurial partnership Planet Granite was supposed to be tapping its toes in the wings, anticipating a June 1 startup on the property, the future of both the rink and Planet Granite’s takeover are as mystically veiled as the weather.

After 52 consecutive years, the rent-strangled ice rink may not be ready for the graveyard.

The reason: Last week’s shocking discovery of a 1960 document that says the land may only be used as an ice rink.

Seven weeks ago today, Planet Granite signed a lease with landlord Mike Karagozian to offer rock climbing, fitness spaces and yoga as soon as the half-century remnants of the ice rink can be cleaned out, five months from now, June 1.

However, last week’s miracle uncovery at City Hall has nuked all conventional dynamics.

Planet Granite officials are so stunned they can’t answer their telephone.

The landlord took one telephone call from the newspaper last Thursday. He said it was too soon to comment after receiving the jolting news.

Is the Dec. 23 lease that property Mr. Karagozian signed with Planet Granite jeopardized by the document?

There is little doubt that Mr. Karagozian and his Planet Granite tenants spent the weekend hoping to soothe their cases of badly jangled nerves.

There is no question the discovery has given renewed hope to certain parties who hope, against unbelievable odds, to maintain the rink.

Two new questions must be answered:

Does Planet Granite have the patience to wait for what experts estimate will be a year or more on the sidelines until the variance could be voted on by the City Council and possibly changed to allow them to open?

Or will the discovery hopelessly cripple the seemingly sound deal Mr. Karagozian struck with Planet Granite five months and six days after it became publicly known the landlord was pursuing a new tenant?