Home News Clarke’s New Council Race Teammates Evaluate His Entry’s Effect

Clarke’s New Council Race Teammates Evaluate His Entry’s Effect


How much difference will yesterday’s entry by longtime political deputy Jim B. Clarke make on the budding City Council race where, as of this afternoon, there are four candidates for the four open seats?

Says incumbent Andy Weissman:

“I don't know the effect on others, but it won't change me.”

“I'm running based on me, not others.”  

“Jim is endorsing me, and I believe he may endorse Mehaul (O’Leary), too.”

“I am not sure how that plays out.” 

“It may have some effect on Scott Malsin (who resigned his seat last week but plans to return during the filing period). I think it has the potential to focus more attention on Scott. But in the end, I don't think it changes his intent to run.”

Megan Sahli-Wells said:

“I am thrilled that Jim is running. I think he is wonderful. He would be great for Culver City. So far, what I see are four open seats and four candidates.”

“I would be very happy if that were it.”

Said Mayor Mehaul O’Leary:

“I look forward to such a qualified candidate entering the race. It will not affect my ability to be re-elected. The people of Culver City will decide on my merits, regardless of who else is running.”

“I will let my record stand for itself. Happy Holidays to everyone.”