Home News Brief Special Meeting Tonight in Response to Gov. Brown

Brief Special Meeting Tonight in Response to Gov. Brown


In light of Gov. Brown’s threat to make redevelopment agencies go poof, the Culver City Redevelopment Agency and City Council huddle in special public session tonight at 8 in case the Sacramento bomb is dropped later this year.

The purpose: A virtual pro-forma vote to approve the sale of bonds that could put a cool $60 million in the coffers as walk-around money to spend on arguably specific future redevelopment projects.

(The anticipated brief meeting is at 8 instead of the dinner hour because the Council did not call for the meeting until 7:45 p.m., last Monday, and, by law, 72 hours’ public noticed is required.)

In another special session last month, an ever-so-rare Saturday afternoon assembly, these bodies did what could be called a little estate planning in the event of a political nuclear bomb.

They approved a grand plan spanning a husky $435 million to be raised and spent on dozens of projects stretching out into the 2040s.

At tonight’s meeting, the endangered Agency and the City Council, which, by contrast, figures to be safe for the next thousand years, only will be asked the one central question, to approve the sale of those bonds.

For that reason, this is expected to be the shortest meeting of the season. You probably can leave your car engine running.