Three and a half years after they began grieving over the mystifying homicide of their son and brother, the Bilodeau family of Ventura County may be close to learning how and what was behind the killing of City Hall consultant Paul Bilodeau on the evening of Jan. 2, 2009, at the construction site of Fire Station No. 3 in Fox Hills.
Superior Court Judge James R. Dabney declared at a hearing this morning that defendant Myron DeShun Grant’s trial will begin on Monday, July 9, with jury selection at the Airport Courthouse.
Young Mr. Grant, a multiple offender with prior felony convictions, has been incarcerated for 2½ years, since February 2010, initially for his suspected role in an unrelated crime.
Next month will be the second anniversary of Culver City police filing homicide charges against Mr. Grant.
Mr. Bilodeau, 45 years old, served as City Hall’s eyes at the Fire Station construction site, where numerous flareups were reported regarding how construction should proceed.
While Mr. Bilodeau, a bachelor, uniformly was labeled a nice guy, he was in the midst of the construction strategy arguments, and the project took far longer than scheduled.