Home News Bennett Lashes at Settlement Case Judge as an ‘Uncle Tom’

Bennett Lashes at Settlement Case Judge as an ‘Uncle Tom’


Re “Murder Victim’s Brother Sees Similarities with the Dorner Case”

One day after saying O.J. Simpson escaped obvious conviction, got away with two murders “because when you take a black man you have done so wrong for so long, eventually it’s going to come back on you,” Gerald Bennett turned to a judge who last year presided over his family’s suit against the state after his sister was murdered in 2007.

The subject was payback.

“The four people who lost their lives (to cop-killer Christopher Dorner) were just victims of circumstances from what their folks had done to people in the past.

“Just like (Los Angeles Superior Court) Judge Kevin Brazil,” Mr., Bennett continued.

“He has a daughter. Yet still he mocked my sister’s trial. He planted all white people on the jury, and then people had the nerve to ask why were we bringing a lawsuit against the National Guard Armory (in Culver City) after my sister and her (unborn) child were murdered there.”

Mr. Brazil is black, as are Mr. Bennett and his sister, JoAnne Chrystal Harris, while her killer, Guard Sgt. Scott Ansman is white.

“Judge Brazil is an Uncle Tom,” Mr. Bennett said. “He is what you call a house nigger.

“In the movie ‘Django Unchained,’ Samuel Jackson played Kevin Brazil’s part right. I look at him as a house nigger because you are in a position, and here it is. You know where the corruption is. You know what is wrong. Yet you go along with it.

“But the reason Judge Brazil went along (with an unsatisfactory settlement for the plaintiffs) is that he was in on the payoff. He got paid to do what the government wanted him to do. And they gave him a television show, which is going to be coming out.”

(To be continued)