Home News Air Quality Study the Subject of Tomorrow’s CAP Meeting

Air Quality Study the Subject of Tomorrow’s CAP Meeting


[Editor’s Note: The monthly meeting of the Community Advisory Panel, CAP, will be at 7 on Thursday evening in the Community Room at Kenny Hahn State Park.]

During last month’s CAP meeting, a handout was distributed regarding the one-year anniversary for the Inglewood Oil Field-PXP Settlement Agreement.

The handout consisted of a review of the terms of the Settlement Agreement and the current status of those items.

A requirement in the Settlement Agreement states that the document and a discussion were to be agendized annually for the CAP’s July meeting.

However, because the handout was distributed during the CAP meeting, no one was prepared to ask questions.

Therefore, the item has been placed on tomorrow’s agenda as well, as item G.

To view the handout: http://planning.lacounty.gov/assets/upl/project/bh_settlement-agreement_20120725.pdf

The County Dept. of Regional Planning reported that the Draft Work Plan for the Air Quality Monitoring Study of the Inglewood Oil Field is available for review.

The document is part of the ongoing Air Quality Monitoring Study contract awarded to Sonoma Technology, Inc., as stipulated in the Settlement Agreement dated July 2011.


• Sonoma Technology’s Draft Work Plan.

• AQMD’s peer review of original Draft Work Plan.

David Vaughn and Dr. Paul Roberts from Sonoma Technology will be available to present their Draft Work Plan and to answer questions from the public during the CAP meeting. Sonoma Technology is under contract to respond in writing to no more than 30 public questions/comments.

All items received as a question or comment relating to the Air Quality Monitoring Study are subject to public release, with or without redaction. Questions and comments may be submitted during the meeting or by email to rkambara@planning.lacounty.gov.

Friday, Aug. 31, 5 p.m., is the submission deadline.

Mr. Mullins, Executive Director, Indigo Fakir Consulting, Inc., may be contacted at ray.mullins@indigofakir.com