Home News Activist King Will Join Race for the Two Open Council Seats

Activist King Will Join Race for the Two Open Council Seats


[Editor’s Note: Mr. King becomes the third candidate to declare for April’s City Council election when two seats will be available.]


Community leader and local business owner Christopher Patrick King announces his candidacy for the City Council in April’s election.
Meet the candidate and hear Mr. King speak about his vision for Culver City on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 8, 1 to 4, at the home of attorney Charles Perelman,11266 McDonald St. . Wine, cheese and snacks will be served while mingling with Culver City leaders and residents.
Mr. King serves as president of the Culver City Rotary Club, engaging residents in community service initiatives. Mr. King also chairs state Sen. Holly J. Mitchell’s Small Business Advisory Panel, utilizing the knowledge that he has gained as owner of his mortgage company — that he started in 2008 during the recession.

In Culver City, he passionately strives to expand housing opportunities and to ameliorate homelessness through his work as Vice-Chairperson for the City of Culver City’s Homelessness Committee. Additionally, he coaches a charity marathon team at his synagogue, Beit T’Shuvah.
Mr. King has a passion for Culver City, for civic engagement and for giving back. In his words: “I love Culver City. I feel that through elected office, I will be able to make the greatest difference for the greatest number of people.”
Residents are invited to join a movement to make Culver City a better place at Mr. King’s Launch Party.