Home News A Reunion for Armenta

A Reunion for Armenta


[img]1294|left|Mr. Armenta||no_popup[/img]For a decade, Chris Armenta’s perpetual and authentic smile illumined City Hall and wherever he traveled in his dual duties as an appointed, then an elected city official, all the while serving his daytime boss, the state Board of Equalization.

He resigned from the City Council a year and a half ago because of the press of professional duties.

Few doubted that he could have handily been elected to a second term.

He came home, or at least was floating freely among his former colleagues yesterday at the Mayor’s Lumch at the DoubleTree by Hilton.

Tall, strapping and happy – that covers the professional and personal channels of Chris Armenta.

“I am a deputy advisor with state Board of Equalization Chairman Jerome Horton’s office,” Mr. Armenta said, “responsible for raising $53 billion in state revenue annually.

“I am really enjoying myself” – anyone who questioned that does not know Mr. Armenta – “although I do miss my days on the City Council.

He is spending less time than he used to in Culver City, which helped drive his early departure from the City Council.

“Much of the agenda for the Board of Equalization is in Sacramento,” he said. “The chairman’s office currently is in Monterey Park.”

At least for now, the empty-nest’er Armentas will remain in Culver City. He travels to the state capital twice a month.

“My son Alex lives in San Francisco where he is working for a marketing company, his first job” Mr. Armenta said.

“Now, my wife Colleen and I get to spend more time together. She loves to go horseback riding.

“A lot of my work continues to be in politics, but it is mainly with the chairman’s office.”

Mr. Armenta may be contacted at christopher.armenta@boe.ca.gov