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A Fleeting Super


Re “Jaffe Response Left Culver Park Questions Dangling, ACLU Says

Thirty days have September, April June, November and Eileen Carroll…

The erstwhile Assistant Superintendent has transferred, at least mentally, into the vacant chair of the Superintendent since Patti Jaffe retired last Friday afternoon and Dave LaRose, her successor, starts four weeks from yesterday.

So Ms. Carroll should get comfortable, but not too relaxed.

Meantime, when she was industriously preparing for next Tuesday’s School Board meeting with the aid of Kathy Paspalis, who will lead the meeting.

Board President Karlo Silbiger, who is returning to school in September for an advanced degree, is not available this month.

“A whole month I am going to be doing this,” Ms. Carroll said with her trademark lilting laugh.

“Kathy and I have been going back and forth on different agenda items,” she said.

On a heavier note, Ms. Carroll said she had not seen any recent correspondence from the ACLU regarding Culver Park High School’s move.

“I haven’t heard a word,” she said. “I don’t know if they still are emailing Patti.”