Home Authors Posts by Thomas D. Elias

Thomas D. Elias


Replay That Tune with a Latin Beat

As California enters the heart of an election year where the Top Two primary system has saddled the state's Republican Party with new problems...

Should Pot Measure Pass?

A sense of certainty that recreational, random marijuana use will be legalized, regulated and taxed in California after November’s election lies behind the millions...

Reform? What’s the Rush

Advocates of more openness and transparency from California's ethically-challenged regulatory agencies are as stunned and frustrated today as they were in early September, when...

It’s Plastically in the Bag

Every few years, an industry for self-serving reasons tries to exploit California’s loose rules for putting propositions on its ballot. This doesn’t usually work,...

PG&E in a Clean Getaway

The U.S. Supreme Court, in its famous Citizens United decision, tells us corporations are just like people. But we saw the opposite in the multiple...

Brown Caught in a Lie

Watch out, warned three of California's most powerful – and ethically shakiest – state agencies in late April and again in August. If the...

Dems Should Focus on Attracting Dem Voters

Endorsements and coattails never have meant much in California politics. From Ronald Reagan, whose strong efforts could not keep major state offices in Republican...

Harris Locks Lips on Gas Gouging

Memo to Loretta Sanchez and Kamala Harris, the two Democrats now vying for the U.S. Senate seat long held by retiring Sen. Barbara Boxer: Each...

Davis Had Better Taste Than Brown

On a cloudy Sacramento day in 2001, a low-level aide to Gov. Gray Davis secretly met a representative of the Oracle Corp. software company,...

UC Fails Jewish Students

As the school year begins, one thing is certain: There will be anti-Semitic outbursts and incidents at campuses of the University of California. We know...