Thomas D. Elias
Waxman Rubs a Sore Wound: ‘A Lot of Veterans’ Concerns Are...
You didn’t hear a word about homeless veterans in President Obama’s State of the Union speech last January.
Arnold’s Tome, ‘Total Recall,’ Has a Selective Feel to It
Back when movie muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger ran for governor the first time in 2003, seeking to oust Gray Davis from the chair to which he had freshly been re-elected, he often was accompanied by two types of people:
To Whom Do Tax Dollars Belong?
A key question has raged in California for more than one year, ever since Gov. Brown first proposed two of his key tactics in the ongoing battle against seemingly perpetual state budget deficits.
Here Is a Juicy Deal That Dems Love
A time bomb that could bring major changes to California politics has been set in place and is likely to become explosive before the next presidential election.
Obscure and a Longshot, but Here Is a Way to Make...
Back in 1948, when most of America woke up the day after the presidential election and learned to their surprise Harry Truman had defeated Thomas Dewey, California counted. It was only because of this state’s late-reporting vote that Truman won out.
Prop. 32 Loss Shows Voters Want a Level Playing Field
If there was one big reason why “paycheck protection,” on Tuesday’s ballot as Prop. 32, failed for the third time in the last 16 years, it was this: The concept by itself is simply unfair.
Differences Between Red and Blue States: Meaningful or Junk?
“The pundits like to slice and dice our country into red states and blue states,” Barack Obama famously observed in 2004. “But I’ve got news for them: There’s the United States of America.”
Absurd and Wrong – Customers Being Billed for Utility Companies’ Many...
When a car company blunders by installing, say, a power window switch that might catch fire, it issues a recall and fixes – for free – as many as 2.5 million cars. Toyota issued precisely such a recall notice this fall, the company paying heavily for its mistake.
Minor Political Parties _ They Just Get in the Way
As the fall election season nears its welcome end, a few people and parties are missing, at least in California: The candidates of the Green, Libertarian, American Independent and Peace and Freedom parties.
Now Here Is a Way Democrats May Regain Control of the...
Democrats have dreamed all fall of making a huge Congressional comeback and reinstalling San Francisco’s Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House.