Home Authors Posts by Rebecca Rona-Tuttle

Rebecca Rona-Tuttle


To Confront School Crises, Vizcarra,Taylor, Silbiger Best Equipped for Board

Some Culver City residents may have difficulty deciding which School Board candidates to vote for because this time around, each candidate has many strengths. Some residents believe in “bullet voting” to give their favorite candidate the best chance of succeeding. But three excellent candidates stand out from the rest.

Mitchell’s Fracking Moratorium Bill Is Advancing – Backers Encouraged

Three bills that would halt fracking in California won key votes last week in Sacramento, passing the Assembly’s Committee on Natural Resources despite intense pressure from the oil industry. One of the three bills, A.B. 1323, was authored by Assembly Member Holly Mitchell (D-Culver City).

New Fracking Moratorium Is a Needed, Welcome Move

[Editor’s Note: The writer is a community leader in the anti-fracking movement.] The Los Angeles Community College District Board of Trustees has unanimously passed a resolution supporting a moratorium on fracking, and this is an important achievement. Every step toward a ban or moratorium on fracking in California gives hope that our government will finally protect the health and safety of all.

Two Chances to Celebrate King Day This Weekend

Martin Luther King, the man and his vision for peace and social justice, will be celebrated with two days of joyous, provocative and thoughtful events this weekend — on Sunday, from 3 to 7 p.m., at the Senior Center, 4095 Overland Ave., and on Monday at the King Fahad Mosque, 10980 Washington Blvd., from 1:30 to 3:30. Both events are free.

“Let Justice Roll Like the Mighty River” inspired Dr. King, and 39 years after his assassination, it will unite the events of this weekend’s celebration in Culver City.

Sunday’s events will include a panel presentation, entertainment and a movie. Monday’s events feature a tour of the King Fahad Mosque and a discussion of its ties to Dr. King.