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Don’t Ask. Don’t Tell. City Hall’s Attitude on Downtown Parking

Last Monday, the City Council rejected an Addendum to the already $167,000 Downtown Parking Study.

Part of the Addendum would have actually conducted a length-of-stay analysis (both employees and patrons).

Answer to Car Show Parking Problem: Add a Second Officer

At tonight’s 7 o’clock City Council meeting at City Hall, the city of Culver City will be acting like a herd of ostriches again.

They will once again ignore the parking "issues" caused by 10,000 people coming to the Car Show.

You Would Feel Differently If This Were Happening in Your Neighborhood

[Editor’s Note: Community activist Cary Anderson has made residential parking violations a focal point of his newest campaign. After quoting extensively at the outset from Ari Noonan’s ­Editor’s Essay of Dec. 8, Mr. Anderson do­cuments his reply in lengthy detail. Mr. Noonan’s response will be carried separately.]

Is Money More Important Than Safety for City at the...

After more than a year, Culver City may actually try to enforce the rules at the Skateboard Park on Jefferson Boulevard.

On Thursday evening’s 7 o’clock agenda for the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission, at City Hall, is the following item:

Consideration of a Recommendation to City Council Regarding Options for Supervising the Skate Park and Establishing User Fees.